Dorinda's Chocolates

Handcrafted Chocolate and Wine Pairing - 2025

$5.00 USD

August 15th Il Borro Toscana Chocolate and Wine Pairing!

A new look at our reservation system: We will now be taking a $5 reservation for all guests, and the remainder of the ticket ($30) will be collected at the end of the night as a final tab, which will also feature any additional purchases you would like to make throughout the evening! Day of tickets will still be $45 at the door. 

Join us for an exquisite handcrafted chocolate and wine pairing experience! Bring a friend or a significant other to try 4 wines paired with 4 of Dorinda's handcrafted chocolates.
Each month we bring in a new winery and a representative who truly knows their vino!
Where are the grapes grown? How do I pick up on those specific flavor notes? How long should you let it breathe? This is a perfect time and place to ask these questions and enjoy some truly incredible wines. And of course, each wine will be paired with a piece of chocolate, some new, some classic, and some you've never tried before!

How to taste Wine and Chocolate together

First, take a sip of wine and swallow that down, this leaves the tannins in your mouth. Next, bite into the chocolate and as it's moving towards the back of your pallet take another sip of wine, you want both the wine and chocolate in your mouth at the same time. Notice how the flavor drastically changes, what are the new tasting notes that come up, and what characteristics of the wine have changed? Was it for the better or worse? That's up to you to decide.


$35 pre-order. $45 day of.

Only 65 tickets available!

Where: 727 Riverside Drive Reno NV (Downtown location)
Pay online, call in advance, or pay at the door.
Reservations are highly recommended!